Thank you so much for purchasing my course! You are on your way to becoming a nurse entrepreneur! Stay RN university is a business guide to starting your own private duty nurse business! My company Stay RN is a private duty nursing service with a clientele that caters to the cosmetic surgery specialty. With this blueprint, you can start your own private duty nursing service with whatever nursing specialty you are in whether it be, pediatrics, orthopedic, plastic surgery, geriatric, etc. We all have the ability to develop our own niche if you're a registered nurse, the hard part is done, now it's time to develop yourself as a nurse entrepreneur! This course is not dedicated to teaching you any nursing skills since you are a nurse and those skills have to be developed over time in an acute setting. This course is for experienced nurses with the necessary skills to operate independently in a home health setting. It is a fact that you can make your first million within 2 or more years of starting your own private duty nursing service, especially if you are in an area where the demand for private nursing service is high. The good thing about private duty nursing service is that if it is well established, you won’t be restricted to servicing the elderly, deployment to nursing at-homes, and hospitals that are short-staffed that resort to hiring nurses seasonally on a contractual basis.
If indeed you want to start your own private duty nursing service, then you should take this course, it will help you establish your own private duty nursing service from scratch with the knowledge to accelerate profitability within a short period of time.

- Warm regards. Keeneedra A. Issacs RN-BSN
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Vendor List (sold seperately)

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Copies of Patient Contract & Independent Contractor Contracts

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